5 Free Marketing Dashboards to Help Your Team be Data Driven

How much time do you spent on making reports?

Done wasting time on tools that promise you to save time?

Need to impress your boss with some automated reports?

Do you want your marketing team to be more Data-driven?

Stop searching any further!

This article will explain to you why data is important and give you 5 FREE marketing dashboard templates that you can use instantly. 100% guarantee they will impress your team members and bosses 😉

We already put together all the key metrics from the most important data sources most marketing teams are running.

5 Marketing Dashboards Templates – Every Marketing Team Needs.

Daily I see a lot of dashboards and most of them are far from good in a sense of readability or easiness to understand. Nobody creates reports or dashboards with the end-reader top of mind. Most people who see your report the very first time probably have no clue or idea what they’re looking at. That’s why I created this post to help you and your marketing team to stop wasting time on reporting. I will explain 5 awesome dashboards that you can have for free.

  1. Website – Audience Dashboard
  2. Social Media – Full overview Dashboard
  3. AARRR & Pirate Metrics
  4. SEO Dashboard
  5. Website Performance Dashboard

Website – Audience Dashboard Template

Yearly you probably create a Marketing Strategy to align the team and goals for the next 1-3 years. One of the major topics often is the “targeted audience”. Who do we want to sell your product or services to. This dashboard will help you to see who is visiting and buying on your website. But, it will also reveal who is not doing this so you can see who is leaving from specific countries or industries.

These insights will give you the opportunity to optimize your marketing activities, campaigns or websites where you advertise. It will help you to optimize your marketing budget and gain maximum revenue from your audience you want to target.

It’s important to know who your audience is, to fully understand them and to adjust to the visitors on your website.

Get this Audience Dashboard Template now

Social media – Full Overview Dashboard Template

Marketing teams spend a lot of time and money on social media activities, advertising and connecting to their users. Having direct insights on your day-to-day social media campaigns, budgeting and new followers. We created a simple to set up dashboard that gives you and your marketing team an full overview of all your social channels!

Get this Social Media Dashboard Template now

AARRR & “Pirate” Metrics Dashboard Template

Having grip on your sales and marketing pipeline was never so easy. This Free AARRR & Pirate metrics dashboard shows you a full funnel of your product or service. We are combining data from Google Analytics and Stripe and merge it all into this template so have your website and payment stats in one place.

This dashboard template is broken up in the 5 main AARRR parts and zooms in on each separate part.






Get this AARRR template now

SEO Dashboard Template

We all know that getting more traffic to our website increases pageviews and potential sales! The question is, do we know how Google is looking at our website? We need to know how it’s indexed and how are we performing based on specific keywords visitors use in Google searches.

This free SEO dashboard template will give you answers to all those questions. Showing you your top keywords, how the score and help you improve your content marketing. Rewrite those title tags and get your website copy optimized for more traffic!

Get this SEO Dashboard Template now

Website Performance Dashboard Template

Our final and fifth dashboard template we use at Datadeck a lot is the website key metric template. It will give you the most important metrics on your website from Google Analytics.

For example: bounce rate, time on page, best performing pages, sources of your traffic and acquisition by source.

This dashboard is a great starting point for your marketing team on a Monday morning to decide on what to improve for that week. I’m sure your guys will love it and your marketing budget will be spent more efficient.

Get this Website Performance Dashboard Template now

Get a free Datadeck account now

Wow! You made it all the way down here! Time to sign up and start using these marketing team dashboard templates yourself. Remember, these are customizable templates so feel free to add additional metrics your team needs and modify the things you think are important.

We offer a Free Datadeck Hobby plan so you can use all 5 dashboard templates for Free! No questions asked.

Claim your FREE Datadeck account now

Guy Geeraedts

Work-wise I’m a complete nerd, started playing with computers and nerdy stuff back in the days when I was a little kid. Grew up with tech, IT, software and marketing. Studied a lot to become a marketing guru...


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