The craziest Product Launch you ever heard of…
Final update @ 10:00 AM the day after
We can look back at a very successful Product Hunt launch! It was exhausting, crazy and great fun sharing our updates with you.
Let’s do a little wrap-up
We launched Datadeck Tuesday 10th of May and immediately featured it on Getting early-adopter sign-ups and learn from their feedback.
- Upvotes (129) / comments (24) on website
- Sign-ups for Datadeck (216)
What did we do?
- Hourly blogging on
- Twitter updates
- Facebook updates
- 24 hour commenting/ama on
- Pre-post/launch on Medium
- Post on
- Email invite to Ptengine users check out our new product
- We didn’t do the Google Cal
- Reddit updates
- HackerNews update about the real-time launch blog
- Facebook Ad to generate ProductHunt upvotes
- Facebook Ad for lead generation
Keep reading/scrolling for some fun and unveiling Marketing Secrets!
Update @ 8:31 AM
Time for breakfast…

Update @ 7:55 AM

Update @ 7:07 AM
Can Spotify help us with a nice playlist to stay awake??

Update @ 7:00 AM
MILESTONE: Some of us already reached the 24H marker! A few more hours to go and we can get some sleep 😉

Update @ 6:41 AM
“Quality over Quantity“
Our goals seem a little far away from what we wanted to achieve:
- 55 / 250 upvotes
- 14/ 60 comments
- 82 / 200 sign-ups
Zooming in at our sign-ups we are actually really satisfied so far. Almost every sign up is hot lead and needs our follow up.

Update @ 6:02 AM

Update @ 5:51 AM
Where is everybody??!

Update @ 5:22 AM
sunrise in Beijing

Update @ 5:18 AM
MILESTONE: 50 upvotes

Update @ 5:00 AM
The first results (1 batch) on our European notification email we sent out to our Ptengine users.

- Open rate a little over 21%
- Click rate was lower than our average around 2,4%
In our second batch, we will run an A/B version with different copies.
Update @ 4:31 AM
We are getting a little tired, so we got some fresh air… ice cream and had a chat with the friendly 7–11 staff members.

Update @ 3:44 AM

Update @ 3:40 AM
Signing some songs… NO, we are not sharing the audio 😛

Update @ 3:22 AM
Allen is showing the Google Analytics Dashboard that will be available for everyone.

Update @ 3:06 AM
Talking with our first sign-ups gave us already a lot of insights for making Datadeck even better!
Now it’s time to have some late night fun for a few minutes…

Allen-Boy keeps beating us!
Update @ 1:55 AM
Promoting our Medium post a little 😉

Hacker News is a good source to get some extra traffic!
Update @ 1:42 AM
Time to do some promotions

Update @ 1:25 AM
Getting some really cool replies on Skype!

Update @ 1:20 AM
Our first signups and comments are a fact.

Update @ 0:44 AM
Remember the Feminist Facebook Ad?
Well, we published that on Reddit and Imgur and got 3000+ views on it, and traffic!

Update @ 0:08 AM
Just a little celebration! We got our first 25 sign-ups after a few minutes…

Update @ 0:04 AM
Product Hunt we were so happy with your recommendation… why is it gone?
Update @ 11:47 PM
We are back on Producthunt! Again Ben Tossell thanks for your help 😉
Time to get some upvotes…. We need all the help we can get today, we wasted some time.

Update @ 11:40 PM
we changed our websites and webform so people can sign up now. We don’t want to play with the Producthunt rules!
Ready to go, again 😉

Update @ 11:31 PM
Ben Tossell thanks for helping us out! We have a feeling our Producthunt launch will get a second life tonight 😀

Update @ 11:07 PM
Maybe Ben Tossell will give us a break 😉

Update @ 10:59 PM
Time to get drunk! We #failed…

Update @ 10:46 PM
and we are off again…

Update @ 10:43 PM
Update @ 10:40 PM
Even Product Hunt is following our Live blog! “Awesome-Cake”

Update @ 10:07 PM
Killing time…

Update @ 9:28 PM
Still not on…. We are getting nervous

Update @ 9:00 PM
Time to share our goals with everyone:
- 250 Upvotes on
- 200 Signups on

Update @ 8:25 PM
We just finished dinner and preparing for the launch within the next couple of minutes…
Some photos from our famous Chinese BBQ food 😉

Update @ 6:49 PM
Revealing another great secret for getting a lot of traffic to your website or in our case the Producthunt page. We have a convenient mailing list from our current Ptengine (our 1st product) users.
Create a new Google Calendar Event saying for example: “Don’t miss our Producthunt launch”. Invite your complete email list and everyone will be noted at your launch date. Giving you those first valuable upvotes.
We didn’t do it btw… Feels a little to SPAM’ish. Especially to your own customers. Instead, we sent them an e-mail with the official announcement of Datadeck.

Update @ 6:05 PM
We launched one of our Facebook campaign ads targeted at a specific audience:
- Female
- 18–65
- interests on Web analytics
- multiple locations
Hoping to get some replies from feminist women who don’t like the images too much. But only to get some extra traction going!

More unveiling tactics to come!
Update @ 5:20 PM
The Wet Dream of Data-Driven Marketers… warming up for the launch!

Update @ 4:28 PM
Our designer “Xiao Lina” aka Nancy is taking care of our Datadeck doggy… Let us know what you think of her website design:!

Update @ 4:08 PM
In Europe and the US it’s still pretty early 😉
We are publishing our first articles on different websites!
- A post on

- Twitter messages

- Facebook messages

More to come soon…
Update @ 2:38 PM
Current time… 2:38 PM — Beijing time and we are ready!

In a few hours, we will be featured on the Producthunt homepage with our first version of Datadeck.
- We just had lunch and are preparing our marketing play for today.
- The first email batch for our European Ptengine users has been sent out to inform them of our latest product, and hoping to see some early sign-ups!
The team is still fresh… we only had some coffee!

More to come, so follow us right here on Medium! And don’t forget to check out Producthunt in a few hours 😉
10th of May 2016 – 10:00 AM
We at Datadeck would like to extend you a personal invitation. To our 24 hours of pre-launch mayhem!
We’re celebrating our arrival on ProductHunt for our new data visualization tool and we’d like you to join us for the party. We’ll be live blogging our slow, sleepless, 24 hours creep to insanity as we begin the big push to tell the world about what we’ve created.
Right here on Medium.
The date: Tuesday the 10th of May. Since we’re operating out of Beijing, we’ve always had time zone challenges, but this time, no more! We’ll be staying up around the clock to answer all your questions and go on an all-out promotional rampage!!
So grab your Red Bulls, grab your beers, get your McDonald’s delivery where applicable because we sure will be. (Thankfully, in China everything gets delivered to your door 24 hours a day. Maybe we’ll get the delivery drivers to answer a few questions.)
The line up:
Jeffmaster Douché
The Viking
Jean the Man
Awesome Cake Guy
We will be sharing our photos, our stories, and our insanity for the whole world to see.
So follow us right here on Medium! And don’t forget to check out Producthunt tomorrow 😉
The Datadeck Team
- Zhao “Allen-Boy” Chun
- Jeff “Master Douché” Deutsch
- Robin “the Viking” Granlund
- Zheng “Batman” Yuan
- Jean “the Man” Seurin
- Guy “Awesome Cake” Geeraedts