Creating Spreadsheets Using Zapier — And Sending Them To Datadeck

If you need data from a data source which we don’t currently support, try using Zapier to automatically gather the data into a Google Spreadsheet. Datadeck can access it from there.

  1. After signing up for a free account at you will see this page:

2. Scroll down to the appropriate app-to-spreadsheet icon and click

3. Click “Create This Zap”

4. Continue through to connect your app

5. Follow prompts for any specific data in the app (For Facebook, you will need to select appropriate pages)

6. Authorize Zapier’s permissions

7. Your account will now be visible and connected. Click “Save + Continue”

8. Now you will begin creating the spreadsheet

9. Read instructions and click “Continue”

10. Connect a Google Sheets account and create a spreadsheet within that account

11. Your Google Sheets account will now be linked

12. If you have set up your spreadsheet correctly, your Zap will now be working. The data being compiled in your spreadsheet can be sent to Datadeck by clicking the “Data Source” tab at the top of your dashboard. Click the Google Drive icon.

14. Click “Connect a new account”. Now you will be able to select your spreadsheet!

Now sit back and enjoy all the beautiful data, all in one place 😉

Guy Geeraedts

Work-wise I’m a complete nerd, started playing with computers and nerdy stuff back in the days when I was a little kid. Grew up with tech, IT, software and marketing. Studied a lot to become a marketing guru...

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